
The Local Swamp Is Still Fighting MAGA

Even after Trump's historic win, the local political swamp is trying to consolidate power locally and hide their election rigging.

The last few months have been bittersweet as I was overwhelmed with joy to see Trump win and be sworn in as President, but also at the same time watched more state level corruption.

Please watch the video for the overview and read below for more details on THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY:

The Good

We had the most complete mail ballot data ever in Florida in 2024! We had daily interval watching the primary and general elections in Florida and added a whole suite of reports to watch for anomalies in the mail ballot voting… and there were plenty.

As we will detail in “The Bad” we needed a way to compile the layers of rigging to an overall distinct list of registrants.

So we added a new module to The People’s Audit called “User Reports” which allow our users to now compile their own reports on various categories and then combine them into single reports where we flatten and remove duplicates.

We also added the capability to do “State-to-State Registration Comparison” where instead of the both costly & labor intensive process of using the NCOA, The People’s Audit can now compare states voter rolls to see both same registrations and catch people voting in two state in the same election.

The good news is after building these reports we can clearly see Florida has a HUGE PROBLEM with dual state registrants. However, from what we can see so far, the number of people voting in multiple state is relatively tiny.


We performed the NCOA checks in previous years and the reasons this NEW approach is far superior are:

  • Per the NCOA’s Terms of Service, it can only be used this information before doing a mailing. Vendors found using the data to clean voter rolls were getting their access to the entire suite of USPS Tools shut off. Here is our Oct 6th post on that topic if you missed it. The People’s Audit is just comparing public records to public records so the NCOA check is not needed.

  • Just the NCOA data for an entire state can run over $2,000 for a single check. Now add that cost + about 2 weeks of labor for the analysis and multiply it for each state. Because we can avoid that cost entirely, we can run our checks on a monthly basis.

  • The last time we saw a multi-state effort done with the NCOA and then using the results to cross check voters, it took months of labor intensive work. We can now compare the large states of Florida and Texas in 2 clicks and a total time of 10-15 minutes. All of which you can do something else while the servers do all the work.

  • In many cases you would get “a hit” with the NCOA that was totally legal. For example, I personally know people who explored moving to another state and while looking for places to move they would forward their mail to the new state all while keeping their residency and voter registration back in their old state. Our approach only focuses on people registered in two or more states which is the real issue you want to track.

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The Bad

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then hopefully this can explain what we are up against….

What we observed in multiple states in both the voter registrations and mail ballot data was thousands of tiny, seemingly coordinated actions working together in a logistical operation that would rival how Amazon can deliver things to your home the same day.

If you try to look for patterns, you have to keep zooming out and trying to find how they are all working together because on their own, it all appears disconnected and to the elections officials…non-detectible.

In each state we monitored we saw sky rocketing rates of new registrations coming into the systems 3-4 months prior to the election.

You may say that with the historic enthusiasm for Trump, people were coming out of the woodwork to vote for him. But if you zoom in on the October 2024 Florida Voter Roll changes, a number of things can be observed:

  1. A record number of registrations (158,205) were switch back from inactive to active. Maybe they were inadvertently switched to inactive in the aggressive clean up in Florida and were coming back to get ready to vote?

  2. In Florida, you are required to be registered 30 days in advance of the election. With the deadline of October 5th, the month still had a record 155,827 new registrations being added that month. More below on that suspicious number.

  3. On average we see about 30-40k Floridians move around the state each month. But somehow in October 2024, 3 times that number, a record 109,514 decided to move to a different county before the election. (The reason, the “Move Out” number is the exact same but negative is we are rolling this number state wide. The same number Moved In as Moved Out so they cancel out for the monthly gain/loss calculation)

  4. On average we typically see 50-70k new registrations added to the rolls in between months where cleaning removed hundreds of thousands. But the gain for October is another record of 313,820 new registrations being added to the rolls.

I’m still trying to understand where counties find the capacity to deal with spikes in new registrations without running 24/7 operations and doubling or tripling their staff.

For example, Broward County processes about 3-6k new registrations MONTHLY on average. Somehow, in just the first 7 days of the month of October 2024, they were able to process 8,025 new registrations.

While the Florida counties are overwhelmed with new registration something strange keeps happening were we see large blocks of registrations being re-inserted into the voter rolls after being removed for months.

In this example you see nearly 10k inactive registrations being added back in the month of August 2024. Most of these registrations were removed for 5 months but were put back on the voter rolls for the August Primary.

We observed over 15k registration records being inserted back into the Texas voter rolls as well in August of 2024. Strangely, their residential addresses showed as “0 * * * * * * 0” but their mailing address was clearly visible.

When the locals there brought this to the attention to their election officials, they were horrified to find that the state had unshielded the names and mailing addresses of protected voters. The locals would have never caught that since it was happening at the state level.


The worst of the Bad News came when we started to observe mail in ballots.

And like the Florida August 2024 Primary, we are seeing the majority of the mail ballots arrive before Early Voting Starts.

22 of the 67 Florida Counties had more Democratic Mail Ballots returned than Republican.

However, would you believe that in the Deep MAGA Red State of Florida, statewide, Democrats were able to win in mail in ballots returned? Not only did they win that number overall… DEMS WON EVERY SINGLE DAY MAIL BALLOTS WERE COUNTED!

Overall, we didn’t see Undeliverable addresses being abused on the scaled they were in 2020, but there are still some shocking numbers.

A new law went into effect in Florida where registrants requesting a Vote by Mail ballot had to verify their identity by either providing their Driver’s License number or last 4 digits of their Social Security number. The only system absolutely required this by not allowing the request to be submitted if this information was not provided. Somehow though, we saw 580,116 requests missing either forms of identity and 82% of these requests came back voted in Florida.

And the worst of the Bad News is even though Trump easily carried the state, many of the down ballot races still has horrible upsets mostly because of unusually high mail in ballots tipping races by just 1%.

When you look at the daily precision of volume that constantly overwhelmed Republican mail ballot votes, you really have to ask why did the Republican Party in Florida push for us to “Bank Your Vote” so hard here?

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The Ugly

That leaves us with the Ugly part of the 2024 election cycle.

Not only did we see a coordinated wave of new and injected registrations somehow get to vote by mail, in Florida we saw the state political and justice department collude with the media to destroy a popular MAGA candidate as well as start to purge MAGA Republicans from the Republican party all over the state.

The fight started in May of 2024 when the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) all of sudden decided to cite a law passed in 2012 to crack down on Republican groups organized around the state.

Unsurprisingly, the RPOF specifically chose to target the Florida Republican Assembly (FRA), which I have been doing my election integrity work as the VP for the state’s organization.

The RPOF called a meeting with the FRA’s executive that summer and lawyers and quickly found themselves on no legal ground to press forward. The FRA was formed in 1998 which was 14 years before that law came into effect and we were part of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) a group that goes back to California in 1935. Our names and logos were all legally trademarked for years for that law was passed.

But that didn’t stop the RPOF. Instead of trying to take our ORGANIZATION to court to prove we were in violation of the law. They decided to immediately call for the removal of any individuals that were members of our organizations. The notices all went out 2 days before Thanksgiving to make sure the targeted people could not enjoy the Trump win with their families.

We are currently battling the RPOF in court and hope to have this madness halted and they may face both defamation and legal fee reimbursements lawsuits in the foreseeable future for what they have done to Judeo-Christian and many veteran, MAGA Conservatives all over the state.

But you can say that is all politics… albeit dirty politics.

We didn’t expect DeSantis’s justice department to target a MAGA candidate in Central Florida and destroy her political campaign as well as black mail her into not contesting her election that was rigged with a truckload of mail in ballots.

Carolina Amesty was running to get re-elected in the FL House District 45 this year. She was smeared in August as the media colluded with the Republican Party and the DeSantis AG who indicted her on felony charges of forgery.

She won her primary, but a truckload of mail ballots helped a no-name Democrat, who campaigned from his basement, beat her in the November election by just 1% (1,600 votes).

The charges that were so horrible to plaster her mug shot on every nightly news outlet in the Central Florida were all summarily dropped on Dec 5th, when it was clear she would not contest her election.

The state election offices also blocked our access to data in both Texas and Florida.

I mentioned above the discovery of the unshielded unprotected voters in Texas. As a reward the state gave us a corrupted voter roll the next month that specifically made the mail address data unreadable. The very information we needed to watch mail ballots in Texas.

The next month, they completely ignore our requests to receive a voter rolls which the citizens of Texas have to pay about $1,500 to receive EACH MONTH. We finally got the file in December but were missing 2 valuable months of data in Texas.

In Florida we typically receive the November election data on the mid-December mailing. However this time, the November 5, 2024 election was missing entirely from the files. There was small local elections from Miami-Dade for November 19 & 26, but the November 5th election data didn’t arrive until Jan 17th, 2025.

So in summary, the fight continues and I hope people realize the fragile, one-in-a-lifetime opportunity we all have with Trump in office now. We might have 12-18 months to fix our elections. Because if they are able to keep these cheats in place, we be facing something even worse than what we went through with COVID and Biden.

I pray I’m wrong, but from what I am seeing in Florida, I would guess they plan on running Ron DeSantis again in 2028 or 2032 in the hopes to put us all back on the slave plantation.

Why else would they be cracking down on MAGA locally while making it appear to be supporting Trump nationally?


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