
Florida's Elections NGO Power Grab

Why is the state is handing our election over to non-governmental organizations?

Floridians, meet your new Supervisor of Elections if SB1414 & HB1381 pass.

Floridians believe they vote on paper ballots and that their local Supervisor Of Election (SOE) is a Constitutional Officer. Much like our local Sheriff, the SOE is supposed to have broad powers to protect our civil rights at the polling booth.

But the reality is the state has slowly stripped all the power at the local level and pushed nearly all the decision making and oversight for our elections to national corporations that operate much like the same NGOs Trump & Elon are currently exposing.

And then the state officials wonder why people don’t trust their elections and fret over SOEs & election workers resigning in mass. Hell, I wouldn’t want that job either. All you get is the blame and no authority to fix anything?

Our Supervisors of Election are SUPPOSED TO BE directly responsible locally for our elections and directly held accountable to the people with the same election process.

I do feel some empathy for the FL SOE’s situation, because the more of them I talk to, I can clearly see their jobs are strictly construed to being a rubber stamp on results entirely generated by non-governmental organizations. (NGOs).

This is much like the fight President Trump & Elon Musk’s DOGE is currently having with the federal bureaucracy. We think the president is charge, but in reality unelected bureaucrats and NGOs are trying to tell him how to do the job.

In the case of our local SOEs, we elect them to run OUR ELECTIONS. But when they get in, unelected state bureaucrats and NGO election vendors are telling OUR SOEs how to run OUR ELECTIONS.


The tiny authority SOEs currently have in the FL law with the “post election audit” is about to be replaced by yet another NGO called Clear Ballot which will simply verify digitize ballot images.

At NO POINT will the SOE or the citizens of that county be allowed to observe what FL Secretary of State, Cord Byrd, called “the best evidence of the voter’s intent”, the paper ballot. Instead they will only be able to review digital artifacts that we will have no way of knowing are authentic.

If you have ever used AI to create an image, applied a filter, or “Photoshop” one to completely change it, I don’t have to convince you how this can be done. And in some cases, it can be very hard to detect after it happened.

Digital ballot images can be recreated in seconds and scaled to millions as well as real images easily deleted or overwritten.

So why on earth would the state of Florida be pushing so hard to move Floridians away from paper ballots?

Well if you ask SOS Cord Byrd and Senator Ingoglia, they believe WE VOTE ON PAPER BALLOTS.

Simple question… Yeah, we may vote on paper, but do we actually COUNT paper ballots?

Again they will probably point to the tabulators and say, “Yes we do!”

I don’t expect either of them to be software experts or understand the black box technology we feed our paper ballots into, but that statement is 1000% false.

We are really counting DIGITAL BALLOT IMAGES because that is what is ONLY SAVED INSIDE THOSE COMPUTERS.

And one more very simple question… Why DON’T you want to let local Supervisors of Elections hand count the paper ballots and check those results against the tabulator results?

In December 2023, Cord Byrd was asked this summarized question by the chair of the House Ethics Subcommittee.

Even though the ballots were still being scanned by the tabulators, and since the current law does not forbid it, would the SOEs have the OPTION to check the machine count by hand counting the paper ballots?

This would basically be a typical reconciliation any sane person working in the real world would do just to check if the machine is working correctly. Bank tellers do this all the time when they hand count the money in front of you after a machine counts it.

Cord Bryd said the Florida SOEs are FORBIDDEN to hand count the ballots UNLESS the race is close.

Listen to the exchange here and hopefully I have translated their legal speak for you.

We have to assume the NGO election vendors know this as well. This is basically telling the bad guys the security system will be completely off, so don’t worry about an alarm.

All SOS Byrd has to do it say “The SOEs have the DISCRETION at any time during the election to check the accuracy of the tabulation.”

He doesn’t even need a new law to do this. It’s a common sense practice!

Just the chance a SOE will be looking over the tabulation would likely be enough of a deterrent that the election vendor or other bad actors wouldn’t even try to mess with the results, but if you tell them NO ONE WILL BE CHECKING, what do you think will happen?

Naive or not, this new bill is about to remove the ONLY hand count done by SOEs when the race is close. With Clear Ballot, that too will be a digital to digital check.

This is not my imagination. It’s already being done in Florida.

This video from Clear Ballots’s website is from Leon County’s SOE, Mark Earley showing you how they no longer have to hand count paper ballots when the results are close. Palm Beach County also currently uses the same system.

Does that look like counting paper ballots to you? If it does, you may think these people are playing baseball:

I wish I could say it’s an isolated incident in Florida.

But when I work with other states and look over their state laws and observe how their elections are ACTUALLY run, it all comes down to the same thing.

The states are pushing the oversight and administration of elections away from local citizens into the control of a few NGOs that are approved by a hand full of state bureaucrats. Laws and regulations are then slowly changed over time till there is no more local accountability and definitely no MEANINGFUL local oversight.

This is why I have been sounding the alarms that if SB1414 & HB1381 pass in Florida, our elections will be the same digital hell Georgia & Arizona are currently fighting to get out of.

If you want to use computers to help store and transmit the results to the state, then you MUST have adequate and transparent LOCAL RECONCILIATIONS WITH THE PAPER BALLOTS to know those results are authentic.

But in the end, we need to return oversight power to the people WE actually hold accountable for our local elections, and allow LOCAL CITIZENS to fully participate in the tabulations (ie HAND COUNTING) so we KNOW THEY ARE AUTHENTIC.

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