Several thoughts:

1) GOP inaction concerning election integrity after the 2020 election is a tell-tale that the maintenance of what I refer to as the "election fraud infrastructure" is a bipartisan, UniParty endeavor;

2) Given that Ron DeSantis is running for President, the inaction in Florida to address voter rolls and the machines is very telling (tending to confirm #1 above);

3) Ponder the curious timing of Florida's joining of the ERIC voter registration system, and then withdrawal from same (may be the subject of a future Substack of mine);

4) Back in 2007, David Horowitz, in a book titled "The Shadow Party," described George Soros' (and others) work to surreptitiously takeover and "fundamentally transform" the Democrat Party into a vehicle for radicals and revolution. In that same timeframe, Soros had what was called the "Secretary of State Project" (or something like that). https://spectator.org/40442_soros-eyes-secretaries/ This was before he started with AG's;

5) To come full-circle, given that the Soros (et als.) intentions have been public for over a decade, GOP inaction on election integrity BEFORE and AFTER the 2020 election is better-than-circumstantial evidence that maintenance of the election fraud infrastructure is bipartisan / UniParty -- it's damning proof.

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Thanks for that link to the "Secretary of State Project" I was looking for an example of it as was going off memory

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Happy to have been of assistance!

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Jan 3Liked by Kris Jurski

Check out this plan by this candidate for Supervisor of Elections in our Florida County davidekalin.com I haven't heard any other candidates with this type of platform, at least not this extensive.

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A Grand Jury is the answer to the removal and punishment of corrupt public officials and the dismantling of all their schemes. Please read “The Hidden 4th Branch” by K. Mordecai. It is a tremendous lift to get corrupt politicians to change laws that would end their criminal behavior.

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Our Nebraska SoS, who has hijacked our county elections, is "elected."

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Yes, the SoS is the concentrated power in rigging your elections some were appointed some were elected, but they all need some attention because they have us chasing multiple issues instead of focusing the people creating the problem in the first place.

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Agreed. I have been riding the Secretary and Deputy Secretary in charge of elections for the last two years. Here's my latest:


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Kris is right. I used Bard for expediency. When I ask the question again I got a different answer. It references Florida Statute 101.28.

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I ask Bard AI if Florida counties are required to use voting machines. The answer was NO, but they must use one of five certified systems. Interestingly, hand counting is one of those certified

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We are working on a hand count ballot option right now with the FL Legislature. https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=78953 That needs to pass for locals to have the hand count option at the precinct level.

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Can "Bard AI" tell you the specific Statute #'s?

I would do it myself but I'm an "old timer" and the time of the 2024 election would have passed by the time I could acquire and learn to use that technology!

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I would not trust the answers from any AI. A number of people have already gotten into trouble presenting this information as fact only to find out the AI either fabricated the content or misassembled it.

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