There's an interesting read called "The Fighting Bunch" that chronicles a group of returning WWII vets who don't "cotton" to having their elections stolen in Athens GA. It was the only successful armed rebellion since the revolution. That was a hand counted ballot scheme which was hard to do at scale, without being noticed. The crazy thing is anyone who's willing to look knows our politicians are being selected, not elected. All the information is right there in front of us. What we're doing is positioning.

They're watching to see if we'll actually try to stop them. We argue about things and they act like they don't understand. Meanwhile more and more people are waking up. Will it be fast enough? Will the constitution allow us to work this out peacefully?

These are crazy interesting times. I'm so thankful for your work Kris!

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I was a Software Engineer for 30 years, too. We've seen that tabulators and EMS systems that the public and even state (SOS) and County (Auditors) have ZERO visibility or ability to do forensics audits of what the many layers of code e.g. database stored procedures, middleware, client application SW, drivers, sw objects that are shared via GITHUB that aren't open source...

We know any part of elections machines, laptops that directly, indirectly connect to the Internet can/will be hacked. ES&S, Dominion, other (s)elections systems companies have provided they're never to be trusted.

Any part of the elections systems hardware and/or software developed, built offshore are open to compromise.

Hand counting in the precincts with multiple people witnessing the counting is the fastest, most foolproof method to avoid stolen elections

P.s. eliminate UOCAVA Absentee Mail-in ballots for all except our military stationed offshore and then with military ID proof who they are

South Dakota State District 15 House seat race in Navy 2025 was stolen for the "Democrat" Muckey over Republican Joni Tschetter, are separated by 7 votes. In the recount when the Election Judges called out the 417 UOCAVA Mail-in (most Voters registered to PMB addresses) the Democrat candidate got 9 votes for every 1 vote to Republican Joni Tschetter! Stolen!!

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Thanks John, in the end we need state driven solutions and the competitive initiative will help multiple states come up with the best option. The key is citizen involvement and not letting the state dictate down to the counties they must use a rigged system.

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Why haven’t you gotten this accomplished in Florida? Could it be that states are not going to be able to get things done at the state level and we need to get them done from the top down utilizing article 1 section 4 of the constitution.

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Kris, Great video! Could you elaborate on why or where you see scanning and tabulating play a role. Are just saying that local autonomy is preeminent and that counties should be sovereign in their choices to use open source software with off-the-shelf hardware or to hand count?

Do you not think that standards for federal elections should be established like ‘Amish’ or open-source electronics?

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Right now, we are not allowed to reconcile the paper ballots against the digital tabulation.

As the calls for this reconciliation has increased since 2020, the state thinks it can provide us digital ballot images instead.

Anything digital can be manipulated at scale fairly quickly with the right software.

If you can't see the software that the vendors are using, there is no way to know if this is happening or not. We are asked only to trust the vendors.

Can you imagine asking your accountant how he calculated your taxes and he just says "Trust me. I know what I'm doing. This is too complicated for you to understand."

Not acceptable.

And you have to ask the question, if elections ARE ONLY BEING DONE BY GOVERNMENT why on earth do we have to pay a private vendor for eternity for this service?

Why can't the governments make this an open source piece of software that is all publicly available for review and community sourced? Then we could pay IT people that would be GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES subjected to those background checks and oath to actually install and run the election software on hardware that would be LOCALLY PROTECTED.

Why are making some private NGO rich by giving them the monopoly to run our elections all while hiding what is happening under the hood from all of us?

If we took this approach, we would save tax payers millions each year, restore trust in our elections while bringing back good, high paying jobs to our local communities.

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