Half a Million Mail Votes with No ID in Florida's 2024 General Election
Did the Counties and the State of Florida Ignore the Law?
Vote-By-Mail in Florida, as well as the rest of the country, still has the most amount of anomalies. Candidates around the nation that did very well with in-person voting, were stunned on election day when unusual volumes of mail ballots erase their leads. Like clockwork, the mail ballots just seem to edge them out of a victory… sometimes by less than 1%.
The People’s Audit has been closely monitoring both the voter rolls on a monthly basis as well as scrutinizing the vote-by-mail request reports that document the entire life of a mail ballot in Florida. From their request, to their delivery, and finally back to when they are returned to the election offices.
We also worked with a bi-partisan group to conducted a nationwide poll just prior to the election to gather both who and how voters planned on voting.
Calling nearly 2 million registered voters nationwide, we clearly could see Trump was going to win. But also when asking these same people, who were statistically randomly selected from both parties, we heard of no preference for voting by mail. Democrats preferred to voter early. And Republicans preferred to vote in person on election day.
Both Democrats and Republicans favored in-person voting for 2024.
One of the biggest unexplainable anomalies we observed with the Florida Vote-By-Mail, is in a state that Republicans now lead Democrats by 1 million registered voters, and with broad enthusiasm for Trump this election, how on earth were Democrat registrants able to return 210,494 more voted mail ballots than Republicans overall?
When you break out the mail ballots returned each day through the November 5, 2024 election, Democrats dominated nearly EVERY SINGLE DAY MAIL BALLOTS WERE BEING RETURNED. How can this be explained if during our polling, randomly selected Democrats showed they actually preferred to vote early, in-person?
As we examined the Vote By Mail statewide looking for some explanations, one enormous problem emerged that may break Florida state law which states:
Florida 101.62 Request for vote-by-mail ballots.—
… The person making the request must disclose:
1. The name of the voter for whom the ballot is requested.
2. The voter’s address.
3. The voter’s date of birth.
4. The voter’s Florida driver license number, the voter’s Florida identification card number, or the last four digits of the voter’s social security number, whichever may be verified in the supervisor’s records. If the voter’s registration record does not already include the voter’s Florida driver license number or Florida identification card number or the last four digits of the voter’s social security number, the number provided must be recorded in the voter’s registration record.
If you try to request a mail in ballot in Florida online with your county’s Supervisor of Elections, the web form requires either your Driver’s License Number or Last 4 of your SSN are entered. The online request will not let you submit the request without them.
In the Vote By Mail Request Report, that is generated by all these requests, two columns track which of the items was given: “Voter FLDL/State” and “VoterSSN4”. The report will be marked “Y” or “N” to designate which one was given for that request.
Looking over the November 6th version of that report, we expected that all mail ballot requests would be finalized since ballots were counted the night before. However, we were stunned to see the number of requests that had “N” for both pieces of ID required by Florida state law.
The numbers were shocking:
580,116 Request showed “N” for both the StateID & Last 4 of SSN
Out of that total, 476,239 (82%) showed counted as Voted.
Just 2 Counties made up nearly 80% of that Total Voted number:
Miami-Dade = 200,516 Voted
Pinellas = 169,714 Voted
In both counties, the requests with no ID recorded (No DL & SSN4 column below) made up about 70% of the total mail in ballot requests for EACH of their county’s election.
The chart below show the impact of the issue across all counties in Florida:
All Totals Are Calculated from November 6, 2025 Statewide Vote-By-Mail Report From Elections Division.
Total Requests = Total Vote By Mail Requests (All Vote Status)
NO DL & SSN4 = Query "Voter FLDL/StateID"='N' and "VoterSSN4"='N'
Voted = Total Vote By Mail Requests w/ Status = 'V' for Voted
%Voted = Percent of Voted with NO DL & SSN4 over their total
NO DLSSN% Total = Comparing the NO DL & SSN4 over Total Requests
%Req Statewide = % of No ID Requests this County had over the state
%Voted Statewide = % of No ID Votes this County had over the state
Things get even more troubling when you look into the daily volume of those requests for mail ballots over time. Two dates tower over rest of the average volume of mail ballot requests each day over time.
Mon Sept 9th = 212,872 Total Requests vs Pinellas = 196,037 (92% of Total)
Fri, Sept 13th = 261,176 Total Requests vs Miami = 247,588 (94% of Total)
So the same two counties that had issues recording the ID checks required by Florida law also showed massive single day dumps of mail in ballot requests.
If these requests came through their county’s online request form, how were they submitted without either the driver’s license number or last 4 of the requesters’ SSN?
As highlighted in the tables above, how did mail in ballot requests without documented ID checks represented about 70% EACH county’s total requests recorded? Wouldn’t you expect that the majority of the requests go through their websites where the law required the ID check be recorded?
As we investigated this issue around the state, some mail voters claimed they were having issues requesting a mail ballot online. They also explained they had to call into the county election offices to finally get them processed.
None of these voters recalled being asked for their Driver’s License or Last 4 of the SSN. All them said they were only asked for their name, address and birthdate…All of which are all part of the public record.
So this opens a huge security issue. Social Security Numbers (SSNs) have been breached so many times in the last 10 year, it is very common to find either the last 4 or the full SSN on the dark web. There also tends to be a major breach each year we are about to have a presidential election. The last 4 digits of the SSN can not only be used to request a mail ballot, but also update the mailing address for that voter. So your mail in ballot could be stolen without you ever knowing.
But most importantly, even when THIS INFORMATION IS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW, it appears that Florida county election officials instructed their staff to continue accepting mail ballot requests via phone without requiring any more verification than what anyone can obtain through the public record.
The state then certified these results without auditing or questioning these shocking number of unverified mail ballot requests.
Furthermore, both Florida State IDs and Social Security Numbers offer NO PROTECTIONS against non-citizens registering and voting. Both items are issued to LEGAL green card holders and other non-citizens with legal residence status.
Our election integrity volunteers spend countless hours researching, and getting these laws passed. This simple law was introduced as an attempt to bring more security to voting by mail. But if our own local and state officials are going to ignore these laws, how are we supposed to trust their outcomes?